Ep 79: Shark Talk with Marine Biologist Melissa Cristina Márquez + Residente vs J Balvin, B.C. Fugitive Caught in Puerto Rico, PR Status News & More!
Puerto Rican marine biologist Melissa Cristina Márquez has appeared in places like Forbes, Good Morning America & National Geographic. Her next stop? Our podcast! Listen to this episode to learn more about Melissa's work, shark myths, the reasons shark research is lacking in Puerto Rico, obstacles preventing more Latinas from entering the STEM field & more!

Episode 74: Are More Young Puerto Ricans Favoring Puerto Rico Independence?
How are young Puerto Ricans changing in their views on Puerto Rico's status? Are they leaning toward independence, statehood or keeping the current common wealth status? And - across age groups - where do the demographics fall or rise in support for PR's political parties? Insider Senior Reporter Gwen Aviles joins the show to discuss her recent reporting on this topic and researcher/MIT Undergrad Francisco Proskauer Valerio breaks down the available data to give us insight into the ideologic shifts occurring on La Isla.

Episode 59: I'm A F***ing Intellectual: Being Puerto Rican in Higher Ed
We welcome Dr. Lisa Calvente to the show. She is a Communications and Black studies scholar. We’re going to discuss her connection to the Notorius BIG, her work and research, her connection to Puerto Rican culture after her father’s passing, a lawsuit she’s filled against DePaul University stemming from her tenure process and a whole lot more.
Plus, we share details on the Paseo Podcast and 42 other independent media outlets coming together to save Chicago media.

Episode 54: The Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act
For this week’s episode, we’re sharing 2 separate, but related, interviews. We speak to Federico A. de Jesús, Senior Advisor for Power 4 Puerto Rico and a Former Obama-Biden Official, about the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act, including misconceptions of the bill, how it came to be, how it seeks to address Puerto Rico’s status, and how it compares to the The Puerto Rico Statehood Admissions Act.
We also speak to Giovanni Pagan Velez & Andrésb Rodriguez Brauer, members of the research team responsible for a recent study released by Data for Progress on Puerto Rican Status Preferences. They polled likely voters in Puerto Rico to see what their preferences were on Puerto Rico’s status by simulating a ranked choice voting scenario. We’ll learn about their findings, what status questions they asked Puerto Ricans, and more when we take the deep dive into their research.