Episode 39: The Puerto Rico Election 2020
In case you missed it, the United States wasn’t the only place on earth with an election 2 weeks ago on November 3rd. Puerto Rico had an election that same day too, so we’re going to discuss the results of the election and take a quick run through the history of Puerto Rico political parties.

Episode 21: Iowa Caucus Boricua Breakdown + Oscar López Rivera Goes on Tour
Edoardo Ortiz, a graduate student at the University of Chicago School of Public Policy joins the show to share his experience at the Iowa Caucus. He went to Iowa for the caucuses as part of a Puerto Rican delegation from Chicago. If you haven’t heard already, things did not go quite as planned at the Iowa Caucus, so we took the deep dive with Edoardo on what his experience was like before, during, and after the Caucus chaos. We also welcome back to the show, Oscar López Rivera, former political prisoner and Puerto Rican activist, who is going on a North-West tour of the U.S. He and one of his tour coordinators, Margarita Gallagher Huertas, discuss what you can expect from the tour and share some perspectives on the current state of Puerto Rico.