Episode 59: I'm A F***ing Intellectual: Being Puerto Rican in Higher Ed
We welcome Dr. Lisa Calvente to the show. She is a Communications and Black studies scholar. We’re going to discuss her connection to the Notorius BIG, her work and research, her connection to Puerto Rican culture after her father’s passing, a lawsuit she’s filled against DePaul University stemming from her tenure process and a whole lot more.
Plus, we share details on the Paseo Podcast and 42 other independent media outlets coming together to save Chicago media.

Episode 28: Rosa Clemente on Identity, Resistance & Fighting for Justice in the Face of Oppression
We spoke with Rosa Clemente, the 1st Black Puerto Rican/Afro-Latina to run for Vice-President for the Green Party. Soon to be Dr. Clemente, she is an organizer, lecturer, and independent journalist. We covered a lot of topics - the younger generation fighting for racial justice, George Floyd motivating people to take action from the streets to the suites, speaking to family around issues of race, resistance in the face of oppression, the Presidential Election and a whole lot more.
P.S. It's our Birthday episode!!!